Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Descending Into Greatness

by Jim Corbin

Remembering childhood experiences can often be difficult given the biblical command to ‘become less’. What kid ever enjoyed being last in line at a party with piping hot pizza? Most high school boys rarely wanted less in the muscle department and few girls ever wanted more ugly. In borrowing this title from pastor and writer Bill Hybels I would like to call our attention to an important matter of depth as Christ followers: God and his will are always first and foremost. Jesus said it this way – Not my will but your will be done. Do I have an idea? It must fit into his idea. Do I have dreams and ambitions? They must meet his criterion for the future. Do I want to do great things? I really have to know how to define great! ‘He must become greater; I must become less,’ says John the Baptist.
Pursuing greatness often results in blurred vision. Our initial pursuit seems outstanding combined with energy and awesome reason for our chosen path. “This is gonna be great,” we say. Sometimes we even enlist others to go along for the adventure. So what’s the big deal you may ask? Your mission may be an iron clad reflection of God’s heart. However, the heart of the human is drawn to those things that feel good and bring pleasure. Instead of staying simple in God’s call for us we begin noticing all the perks along the way. We gather more and more stuff as we go. We begin to lose sight of the simple call of God to love him and others. We ignore the prayer he taught us to pray when he only mentioned possessions once: give us this day our daily bread. Just enough for today! Descending into greatness takes hard work. It means giving sacrificially. It requires submitting to your leaders even when you want to prove your point. It calls for a return to a life of peace, joy and serenity based in a trusting relationship with God, through Jesus.
Joy. Peace. Contentment. Wow – that sounds great! Happy New Year.
It is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest. Luke 9:48

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Jim! That scripture from John about Him increasing, as I decrease, has always been one of my favorites. I guess no one ever ranks "making less of themself" one of their top New Year's resolutions - great reminder!
