Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Miracles

by Ken Platt

It's that time of year again when inevitably you see the commercials, pictures, and movies that stress the importance of making Christmas something special.  One of my favorites is "Christmas With the Kranks" where Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis make plans to go on a cruise since their daughter is over seas.  When their daughter surprises them and tells them she will be home they rush all over the place to make sure everything is just right for their daughter.  They try to get the perfect food- a Hickory Honey Ham- which ends up getting run over by a semi, meanwhile, Tim Allen steals a tree from a neighbors house all in the hope of making Christmas 'special.'
I am all for making Christmas special.  Renee and I have a tradition of making Cinnamon Buns on Christmas morning.  Some friends of ours invite us over on Christmas eve for a party which includes Crab Bisque from Cooper's Seafood in Scranton.  This is a tradition I love.

But I have to the midst of our traditions and making Christmas special, are we missing it?

It is almost cliche to say keep 'Christ' in Christmas, yet many of the people who may say that are the people Jesus decried in Matthew 23.  We get frustrated and angry that they are taking down nativity scene's yet in our anger we say and do things which in no way represent the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which the birth of Jesus represents.
You see, the miracle of the birth of Christ was only the beginning.  A part of the story that ushered in a new era in the divine drama.  A birth which would ultimately lead to death, resurrection, and in-dwelling.  
I don't care how many nativity's they take down, or how many times they write X-mas, or if people say happy holidays, or whatever.

A follower of Christ is the true sign of Christmas. 

If you proclaim Christ and follow him-You are a Christmas miracle.

Live the miracle-act justly, love mercy, walk humbly.*

*Micah 6:8

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